My limited understanding of unemployment is that it is an insurance paid for
by companies.  The total amount is based on how many employees, and the
risk of lay offs in the given industry.  Once a minimum is met, the company
doesn't pay any more in unless they have a lay off, and benefits are used.
I know tax money is used in running this department, but I thought most
came from State rather than Federal tax dollars. As for demos or reps
making noise I think both sides have done their part. Actions speak  louder
than words.

And not extending the unemployment benefits that ran out at
Christmastime for the first 800,000 unemployed workers riles me,
especially since that's a tax fund every worker pays into for their
entire working life, and then those benefits are taxed heavily in the
following year, penalties for not paying enough tax included, so
unemployment benefits are NOT a free handout. The Democrats tried to get
benefits extended and supposedly Bush was in favor of that, but the
Republicans in Congress were not. (Strange how Bush can manage to get
his way in everything else.) And people don't think there's any
difference between the parties? Anyone surprised that Bush is now
wondering who to put on the Supreme Court? Anyone surprised that there
are anti-abortion laws being considered now?

Uh, oh, I'm about to start screeching!

So, yes, the Democrats will need to be very noisy.

Debra SheaGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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