Believe what you want.  Like you cornered me with a question so deep that I
cannot answer it.

what esle am i supposed to think?
You made a comment about 'god's chosen people' , mentioned something about 613 whatever of the Torah (forgive me I would quote properly but don't feel like trawling thru the archives to find it) that God has chosen the Jews to fulfil etc. This in response to the situation in Israel. I asked you how you justify using a story to back your claims to rightness. I see nothing wrong in asking that.
Instead of answering, your mails have got hotter and hotter. (a friend of mine who is a keen debator warned me it would if I challenged a belief.)

I also note that you have been cc'ing some our list mails to a non list member, Marcel. Do give him my regards.

Oh and I do read your posts to others . Good to see you are even handed.

It is such a pity you don't want to continue this enjoyable excahnge although something tells me you only wish that was so since I keep seeing replies form you. I know what is like.I am forever doing things I say i won't!

Just think one day none of this will matter one jot. And you never know, you may be right in everything and I completely wrong. deos it matter? I think not.

with best wishes

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