I've just come across this site: http://www.coversproject.com/artist.php/216

It aims to list all covers by artist, i.e. covers the artist has done of
others' songs, and own songs this artist has had covered by others.  The
link above takes you straight to the Joni page, but you can look up
countless other artists that way if you go through the home page.

Bob, I'm sure they don't have all you've got, but maybe you find something
there that escaped one of our beady eyes?

Now that I'm posting a ligit Joni message, let me just quickly send my very
best wishes for this new year to any of you Joni-onlies who haven't seen my
ditto message in an NJC post.  If we've spoken in the last year (in person
or electronically) then consider this meant for you!

And a profound apology to the Joni-onlies for the couple of postings I've
sent where I forgot to put the NJC tag on.  I always realised just after
pressing the sent button and felt awful.  Thanks for not telling me off!
Lots of love,

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