The Louis Riel Cafe was not named after some chi-chi
entrepeneur or fashion icon - no, no. Read on to find
out about the man behind the cafe, and indeed, much of
Canadian rhetoric...



Louis Riel, a leader of his people in their resistance
against the Canadian government in the Canadian
Northwest, is perhaps the most controversial figure in
Canadian historiography. His life and deeds have
spawned a massive and diverse literature.

He was born in the Red River Settlement (in what is
now Manitoba) in 1844. A promising student, he was
sent to Montreal to train for the priesthood, but he
never graduated. An attempt at training as a lawyer
ended similarly, and by 1868 Riel was back in the Red
River area. Ambitious, well educated and bilingual,
Riel quickly emerged as a leader among the Mitis of
the Red River. In 1869-1870 he headed a provisional
government, which would eventually negotiate the
Manitoba Act with the Canadian government. The Act
established Manitoba as a province and provided some
protection for French language rights.

Riel's leadership in the agitation, especially his
decision to execute a Canadian named Thomas Scott,
enraged anti-Catholic and anti-French sentiment in
Ontario. Although chosen for a seat in the House of
Commons on three occasions, he was unable to take his
seat in the house. In 1875, Riel's role in the death
of Scott resulted in his exile from Canada. These
years in exile would include stays in two Quebec
asylums and the growing belief in Riel that he had a
religious mission to lead the Mitis people of the
Canadian northwest.

In 1884, while teaching in Montana at a Jesuit
mission, Riel was asked by a delegation from the
community of Mitis from thesouth branch of the
Saskatchewan river to present their grievances to the
Canadian government. Despite Riel's assistance, the
federal government ignored Mitis concerns. By March of
1885, Mitis patience was exhausted and a provisional
government was declared.

Riel was the undisputed spiritual and political head
of the short-lived 1885 Rebellion. He never carried
arms and hindered the work of his military head,
Gabriel Dumont. Riel was increasingly influenced by
his belief that he was chosen to lead the Mitis
people. On May 15, shortly after the fall of Batoche,
Riel surrendered to Canadian forces and was taken to
Regina to stand trial for treason.

At his trial, Riel gave two long speeches which
demonstrated his powerful rhetorical abilities. He
personally rejected attempts by his defence counsel to
prove he was not guilty by reason of insanity. On 1
August 1885, a jury of six English-speaking
Protestants found Riel guilty but recommended mercy.
Judge Hugh Richardson sentenced him to death.
Attempted appeals were dismissed and a special
re-examination of Riel's mental state by government
appointed doctors found him sane. He was hanged in
Regina on 16 November, 1885. His execution was widely
opposed in Quebec and had lasting political ramifications.
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