Within the weave of threads on Christ, Satan, Hell, etc., Victor Johnson =

Satan was in charge of music?  I didn't even know he could sing.  Maybe
someone should write a musical about the fall of Lucifer.  I have this
picture of Satan handing out harps to all the angels. =20

Victor -- I'm sorry, but about that picture you have... =20

Those are NOT harps Satan is handing out.  They are accordions!  Take a =
closer look.


Harper Lou

PS to everyone -- I'm glad to be reading the JMDL again.  What a blast =
to see that the list is still full of interesting discussions!  "Jesus =
and Hitler and Howard Hughes..."  Hope I didn't miss the threads on =
Charlie Chaplin's movies or Bergman's Nordic blues.

Thanks for those who wrote to say hello, too!   (I didn't respond =
immediately because I am subscribed in Digest format.)=20

PPS regarding several questions people asked about my harp playing -- =
yes, I still play a little Joni on the harp, however...

I started this new band called Harp Rock Cafe.  Classic rock like =
Clapton, Stones, Metallica.  Even a little modern stuff like Goo Goo =
Pumpkins and Nine Inch Mudd.  I also plug my 47-string concert grand =
through an effects panel so I get fuzz and wawa and tremelo and other =
hellish sounds (maybe Victor was right after all).

When most men hit my age, they buy red sports cars and seek out young =
lovers.  Me, I amplify my harp and learn all the riffs to "Black Magic =
Woman."  Can't even have a decent mid-life crisis, can I?

More regards,
Harper Lou

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