I only saw Joni live once and 
that was in 1976 but i am so glad that I did.  I did not realize at the time 
that it would probably be the only time in my life that I would ever see her 
perform.  Anyway, I've been thinking about what to write about that concert.  

I wish I had it all stored right in my head, but you know it was (I just did 
the math) 27 years ago, so it's not a whole video, just images or moments 
that fit into a larger scenario.  Anyway, I do remember being really close.  
This is when  great artists/musicians could actually play for people. I 
remember being awestricken. I remember Joni being very thin and noticeing 
that, thinking she was too thin.  I know she wore black pants. I clearly her 
remember sitting at the piano.  And I remember her introducing and performing 

"Coyote" as a new song.


I saw Joni perform on that same tour. I think Joni wore the same, or similar, 
black slacks at the show I attended,  in January or February I think at the 
University of Cincinnati Fieldhouse (a building now gone, I think). The place 
was over-sold (it's amazing the fire marshall didn't shut the show down, 
people were sitting in the aisles) and there was a lot of controversy about 
the promoter overselling the house and perhaps moving the show to a larger 
venue. Anyway, Joni didn't say a word that night, other than asking the 
audience something like "So, are you guys a little crazy?" as a way of 
introducing Twisted. She wore a feather boa while doing Raised on Robbery. 
She laughed a little while singing "the wind rushed around in the dirty town" 
in For Free, perhaps a comment on how she viewed Cincinnati. She was indeed 
very thin. I remember she announced some new material and then sang a  long 
medley of Coyote and DJRD (which sounded very similar to each other at that 
time, the final arrangements hadn't been worked out, and DJRD lacked Jaco's 
incredible bass performance). Anyway, I remember thinking Joni seemed rather 
distant and vulnerable, while being kind of "icy." But I loved that, it added 
to the Siquomb mystique. During that tour, Rolling Stone published a 
scathingly negative concert review that included a very awful photo of Joni 
looking very skeletal and wraith-like. 

Anyway, I was very young and impressionable at the time (still in high 
school) and I think it was my first concert. Obviously, it had quite an 


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