In a message dated 1/12/2003 1:39:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> 10)  kings of convenience - quiet is the new loud
> (guitar-driven musical outing from two danish talents; almost sombre; at
> times heartbreakingly direct; a type of singing that you usually heard
> people do when they are alone and doing something manual; no-frills)

Yes!  These guys are a modern day Simon and Garfunkel with somewhat more 
complex chord structures and harmonies.  One of their tunes is used as 
background music on the cell-phone commercial where the young guy and his 
girlfriend are traveling on a train and he sends her a message that reads "I 
spy something that begins with a 'B'"--just as a herd of cattle run alongside 
the train.   Thought I would pass that along in case anyone is wondering who 
performs that beautiful song.  It's frustrating when you hear a song you like 
on a commercial and have no way to discover the performer! 


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