From: Deb Messling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: music to ski by, NJC
> >Is it common for people to listen to Walkmen while they are skiing?  Is
> >safe to do so? Won't the Walkman block the sound of the beginning skier
> >screaming as she's hurtling into you?
> The reason I ask is that I'm being dragooned into a Colorado ski vacation
> this February.  I do not know how to ski, yet, and I don't really want to
> go, but if I could have Joni playing in my ear the whole time, maybe it
> would be tolerable.
> The song of my choice would be HELP ME.

Hi Deb,

I suppose if it's the 1st time ever you'll probably be safe to plug the
walkman only during  the long ski lift rides.
As far as listening while skiing, there are some 'open' headphones which
don't block the outside sounds, and of course you don't have to be blasting
Screaming beginners? No they proceed with caution.
I personally wait until the hill is relatively clear  so I don't get run
over by the crazy young surfers.
You could also take along HELP by the Beatles to complement HELP ME.
Have fun


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