But Kate, is it a misconception to say that ANSWER and the IAC, who have
been the principal organizers of the large antiwar rallies in several cities
are left and/or Marxist/Socialist?  They declare themselves to be, as do
most of their affiliates.  It's all there on their websites and links.  They
are also the ones getting most all of the coverage in the media.

And I've said many times there are other antiwar groups, including some on
the right, who oppose the war.  However, I clearly recall that here on the
list on a number of occasions in the past ANSWER and its affiliates have
been the endorsed groups. Those who have promoted ANSWER here invite the
reader to participate in their rallies and support them.  I am willing to
believe, however, that the people who asked support of ANSWER perhaps did
not know its affiliations.

What gets me is that I don't recall hearing a peep out of these groups when
the U.S. military was warring and killing people in Bosnia/Kosovo. There was
a war that didn't not threaten the U.S. as opposed to Iraq.  There were
certainly no large antiwar protests in the streets of major U.S. cities back
then, or if there were, I never saw them covered in the media.  If anyone
has evidence that there were large opposition protests back then, please let
me know.  Until then, it makes the sincerity of these particular groups
questionable to me because they seem to be selective as to when they oppose
wars.  Cynically, it makes me think that if a different person was in the
White House pursuing regime change in Iraq, the voices would be a lot more
subdued, if not silent.


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