Vince wrote:

> You searched a little more than 2 months and found threads in 2 of the 3.

>From April 7 to May 17th - isn't that about 6 weeks?

> I agree that the threads on Columbine and gun control were very
> emotional, flame wars, much more so than the ones on Kosovo, but I
> totally disagree that the Kosovo threads were any less intense than what
> is being said now.  And I do not believe that the discussion of Kosovo
> was "few and far between" because it did range on for a period of time
> and not confined to threads where it was in the title.

I did try to look at messages in posts where the title did not reflect
Kosovo, but admit I did not read every single one.  I assumed the Joni posts
without njc probably didn't contain the subject of war. There were hundreds
of other posts on Joni, Columbine and other subjects during that time period
and, by my approximate count, 40 posts (opposing, supporting, skeptical and
neutral, such as a request for prayers and to give aid to the refugees)
related to Kosovo, from approximately 10 people. I only noticed a couple
posts which criticized Clinton and did not notice the wag the dog accusation
there (although I remember it from the bin laden bombings). I did not
perceive the support or opposition to be particularly intense, in the sense
that people were widely polarized on the issue of war as they are now. The
supporters were, however, (rightly) passionate about the plight of the
people in Kosovo. There were not hundreds of anti-Clinton posts in
connection with that war. There was only one post from one person about a
peace rally in San Francisco and an antiwar article from The Nation, not
repeated requests to sign antiwar petitions and support antiwar groups. If I
am completely off on this, please send me your list of cites and I will send
you mine.

As for the rest of the attacks on Bush and so on, it seems his opponents are
just constantly throwing up many wild and inflated accusations that many
people either know right off, or later find out, are not true.  But how does
one, in his defense, provide proof of something that doesn't exist - what is
the saying - proving a negative?  It doesn't matter - truth has a way of
eventually surfacing.


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