i remember reeling from 9/11 & on top of that reeling from so many jingoist
responses to the attacks...as someone who felt quite alienated from what i
perceived to be the general response to the attacks, i desparately needed
somewhere to go to hopefully connect with others who might feel the
same...thankfully, there was a silent peace vigil sponsored by a local
organization called the nuclear age peace foundation

they've been in existence for decades & i've worked with them in the
past...the first week there was only a handful of folks gathered in silent
candlelight vigil...as the word got out about the weekly vigils, the
participants grew...

my point is that this organization is a very mainstream, internationally
known organization that states "Our Vision is a world at peace, free of the
threat of war and free of weapons of mass destruction."  the reason they
were so organized is that is what they do 24/7...

"It just has made me queasy personally that so many of the hard radical
Marxist groups were so amazingly organized to protest any military action by
the U.S. within days of 9/11.  How could they have been SO organized in
their opposition while most other people were still reeling from the

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
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