Sarah wrote:

"Well, no, I meant "ideologies".   A political philosophy is meant to 
be something considered.  When I say ideology, I mean the network of 
beliefs, desires, prejudices, presumptions into which we all feed any 
new bit of information to work out how to view it."

And I guess I would say that a lot of us consider our "ideologies" to be 
"considered"--or perhaps, the fact that we are pro-war or anti-war to be part of a 
political philosophy, not an "ideology," as you are defining it.  I know I do.  

Such a philosophy is part of the prism by which we see the world.  Personally, I 
wouldn't have it any other way.  But yes, I think we should always try to know, learn 
more about, and carefully consider various sides of any given issue.  The new 
information may even deepen our political philosophies--or ideologies, as you will.

Not quite sure we agree on this, but also, not sure we disagree.

Have to fly--late for a commitment!  Have a nice evening (morning; afternoon), all.

Mary P.   

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