I cannot remember if this point has been made but.......
The UK, the USA, France, Russia and China all have the capability to
manufacture (and probably have stockpiles) of "Weapons of mass destruction."
Indeed 60 miles away from where I sit is the UK No 1 germ warfare
establishment called Porton Down. Sarin was tested there in the 50's and
60's and there are various law suits pending (I seem to recall) as the
hapless guinea pig people who agreed to test the new "drugs" suffered
apalling reactions to the nerve agents and viruses with which they were

Can we not expect a visit from agents from countries who currently feel
threatened by us to ascertain our situation and capabilities?

Finally.......you can tell places that are a bit sensitive. They have big
signs on them that say.......
No photography. This building and its surroundings fall within the
regulations of the Official Secrets act...etc.,"

Subtle aren't we.........

Good night all from an emotionally exhausted me... Thank you for the list
Les, it gives me food for thought and some hope for the future.....


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