All of your pals here on the West Coast are planning the first ever JoniFest LA on 
June 6-8, 2003.  This event, intended for West Coast folks (but all are  certainly 
welcome), promises to be a hoot!  Here's the preliminary agenda:

Friday Night:  Barbecue at Rick and Brad's -- casual music, visiting, partying!
Saturday Day:  The Dulson's Historic Music Tour of LA (by car caravan)concluding with 
a Malibu picnic lunch
Saturday Night: The music night -- all arranged by a special guest to LA!
Sunday Brunch:  Farewell Brunch, music and more!

The committee's goal is to keep event costs as low as possible.  All food (except 
brunch) will be free and all events will be BYO(B) or whatever.  Plan no more than $50 
for event costs -- we are trying to do even better...

We are planning some terrific surprises!!

We have contacted hotels in the Hollywood area and have three willing to give special 
rates.  Everything from a funky/cool youth hostel ($15/night) to a middle class 
($60-$90/night) to the top of the heap ($180+/night).  You will be responsible for 
making your own hotel arrangements.  We'll provide the list to all those who are 
interested in coming, but after March 1, when it is finalized.

LA's public transportation situation isn't all that bad.  We will provide bus 
schedules/routes, subway schedules, and travel tips.  You can get from the airport to 
the identified hotels for $1.35 using MTA.  If you don't rent a car, we'll arrange 
transportation to/from events.  Sure it's easier to have your own wheels, but for the 
budget conscious -- we have alternatives!

If you are interested in attending this event, please email me privately.  Give me a 
high/medium/low likelihood rating.  We would like to have an idea of how many folks we 
may be expecting as we continue the committee's work.  

Have a great weekend!


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