Thanks Kate, for these simple but true words.  Especially this time of year as we 
celebrate Dr.
King's birthday, we see how invisible love is in the world today.  I see how invisible 
like Dr. King are.  Oh some can name names here and there. But none that stretches the 
that a King or Ghandi did.  Where HAVE all the flowers gone?  

What fools we humanists must be!  I urge all to find a little of Dr. King in their 
hearts and put
it out there this week.  Spread just a little around in some way - who knows it may 
catch fire in
the same ways as hate - aggression and violence have ..... as I have repeated many 
times before
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm NOT the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us 
and the world
can live as one.
(John Lennon)

It would be nice to hear memories good and bad about the times of Dr. King.  I was 
surprised it went almost unmentioned last year, as Cindy and I and maybe one other 
lister were the
only ones to note the day and mentioned our surprise at this to each other.  

Help keep the dream alive.


"... though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true, there'll be new dreams, 
maybe better
dreams and plenty, before the last revolving year is through.

--- Kate wrote:
 Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to
> live together in peaceif this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all
> human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.
> The foundation of such a method is love.
> Martin Luther King, Jr, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
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