susan wrote> But none that stretches the breadth that a King or Ghandi did.
Where HAVE all the flowers gone?<

i am feeling overwhelming grateful for these two men these days...for their
beautiful ideas, words & for showing us just how much can be accomplished
that is alternative to the status quo of violence...truly we must evolve to
a better way of solving conflict...truly we have the intelligence &
creativity to do far as i can remember that has also been one of my
core beliefs & now more than ever, it is my guiding light through these dark

btw, i printed that quote (posted again below) & put it on a (small) sign to
carry in the peace march yesterday (or as jeff calls it the peace shuffle as
there were so many people packed together that at first we were hardly some friends lovingly made fun of my sign as indeed you had
to get right up close to read it as opposed to many of the other signs
people carried with only a few big words which you could see from far

however at the end of the march a woman (who i recognized as our state
congresswoman hannah beth jackson) came up to me & introduced herself &
asked if she could use the sing for her speech which followed the march...i
was thrilled to have it used that way & although we couldn't stay for the
speech i heard from many who stayed that it was absolutely riveting & that
the mlk quote was a key point...sweet

(apparently our mayor was in dc as part of a meeting of mayors protesting
the war...our city is one of 40 that has passed a resolution in opposition
to this war...)

it was very encouraging to see how many folks showed up for this day...our
main downtown street was closed to traffic & for blocks as far as you could
see in both directions the street was packed with marchers...they were
hoping to keep the march within a few blocks but there were far too many
there to contain it to that...

here is the martin luther king jr quote again:

"Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to
live together in peace...if this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all
human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.
The foundation of such a method is love."
Martin Luther King, Jr, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

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