Bob (SC) M wrote:

Matter of fact, I haven't gotten around to picking up Hits or Misses myself. 
> : No sense in it, except for UFG which I already have on another cd anyway.
> : 
> : Bob
Interesting - once upon a time, you suggested to me (when I was considering 
completing my collection) that having Hits was probably worth it for that 
reason, and  also for UFG (which I did not have in any form until you later 
sent a live version to me on one of the CD's you prepared for me - remember 

Anyway, I did end up bying Hits and Misses. A few (oops -several) thoughts:

1.       I'm glad Joni did not call it "Greatist Hits", aren't you ? (If she 
called it that, she would have had to have switched album covers, IMHO, to 
reinforce the element of farce - that would transcend satire, right ?)

2.       I will be sending a care package to Paris for my daughter, who has 
been getting a "JM song of the day - lyrics" e-mail from me for the past 
month. The care package will definitely include "Hits". Of course, she has 
been exposed to (inflicted with ?) a lot of JM music over the years, but has 
steadfastly pushed it away or evaded it. Now, though, I think she is ready 
for JM - she never appreciated the lyrics before. We'll see.

3.       Seems she also ordered Bob Dylan's greatest hits for herself. That 
will be an interesting side by side comparison, I think.

4.       I think that Joni could fill up at least a half-dozen albums of 
Misses. The consistently high level of her work is nearly unique, IMO. I 
mean, if an album has 2 A+ songs, 3 A's, 3 A-'s and 2 B+'s, doesn't the album 
get an A+ as an overall grade, on a curve ? For example, JT (one of my 
personal favorites, especially as a performer and especially when he sticks 
close to his best work, which he usually does in concert) has seldom put out 
an album with that kind of consistency. Joni has done it many times - never a 
real clunker.

5.       I am also sending along Judy Collins's Wildflowers (which includes 
BSN and MFM, as well as covers of 3 Leonard Cohen songs and  a Jacques Brel 
and 3 of Judy's own songs - a fine record, for those of you who do not have 
it). I sense that Leah (who loved the BSN lyrics) was disappointed when she 
heard a downloaded JM version of BSN. I think Wildflowers is a special 
record, and am betting that she loves it.

6.       I have sent Leah the lyrics to all of STAS and scattered others 
(mostly from JM's early work). I will also send her STAS and one other JM 
record - which one would you-all recommend ? (I am thinking it will have to 
be from C&S or earlier - we still need to set the hook.) She will have at 
least until May to absorb this, and perhaps until August if her grant is 

Bob S.

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