>>Bree wrote: I feel I must defend the CHURCH. The Catholic church is like
any other club..organization.. in that that have tenets..rules to follow.
When you join anything one usually agrees with the rules... if not, get out.
The Catholic church on morals and faith will not change with the whims of

With the greatest respect Bree, the Catholic church is not like a club or an
organisation. If, for example, the Augusta Golf Club want to keep out women or
black people, or whoever, they have that right, as long as it doesn't break
any laws. BTW, why do we often hear of 'lapsed catholics' but almost never 'lapsed anglicans' or
'lapsed anythingelses'?
Hmmm? Good question. I guess that is just a term we use for ourselves? (Being born into it..it is so ingrained...and even if we don't attend it is still very much a part of us. Just a temporary hiatus?) Yes..as always, you make some very good points. You are right about the being born into it..I know I was. But I still say the Catholic church the fundamentals will never change; Sanctity of life thus no to abortion..euthanasia. Holy Matrimony..between a man and a woman..no to gay marriages...no to women priests. (reasoning: All the apostles were male) So if one can not abide by these rules/laws ...then one should leave. The Church is not going to change with the times..suddenly become liberal..humanist..it ain't going to happen. SO really that was my point.

Thanks for your input! AND yeah, Mack..what in the heck are you doing in Wisconsin of all places!? ;-)


NP Donna Summer. She works hard for the money. (Thinking of you Mack, why in

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