>>Bree wrote: I feel I must defend the CHURCH.  The Catholic church is like
any other club..organization.. in that that have tenets..rules to follow.
When you join anything one usually agrees with the rules... if not, get out.
The Catholic church on morals and faith will not change with the whims of

With the greatest respect Bree, the Catholic church is not like a club or an
organisation. If, for example, the Augusta Golf Club want to keep out women or
black people, or whoever, they have that right, as long as it doesn't break
any laws. If the restaurant Chez Mike refuses entry to people who contravene
its dress codes, hey, no problem. When Ashara bans illegal drugs in her house
she has all the right in the world. But Ashara's house, a restaurant and a
golf club can not be compared in any way with the power and influence
exercised by the Catholic church. We don't *join* the Catholic (or any other)
church; we are born into it and baptised, christened, confirmed, educated and
indoctrinated all before we are old enough to make decisions for ourselves.
There is no question of refusing to join if you don't like the rules. By the
time one is old enough to disagree with the rules one has spent many years
under its influence (for better or worse). That many people do choose to leave
the church when they become thinking adults shows their discontent. BTW, why
do we often hear of 'lapsed catholics' but almost never 'lapsed anglicans' or
'lapsed anythingelses'?
NP Donna Summer. She works hard for the money. (Thinking of you Mack, why in

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