mike pritchard wrote:

> Colin wrote
>>>I am amazed at the amount of people who are anti abortion but pro 
> capital punishment and pro war.<<
> And it's always been problematic for the 'left' (speaking in general 
> terms here) that they have it the other way around. Pro abortion but 
> anti war and anti capital punishment. Hard to justify for many people, 
> the 'killing' of a potential 'innocent' life and yet opposed to the 
> killing of, say proven mass murderers and undoubtedly despotic dictators.
> Tough call to make.
you are right. I hadn't thought of it that way around. I do think that a 
fetus inside a woman is a different propostion. I also bleiev in mercy 
killing. See, as I said in a previous post, i am a hypocrite. I am anti 
killing. Yet pro killing too.

> mike in bcn
> NP JoAnne Brackeen. Aguas de Marco.

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