No, Colin, you are no hypocrite. This is a complex philosophical debate (about what personhood is) and you're responding to that complexity. Your confusion is a sign of sensitivity, not hypocrisy.


mike pritchard wrote:

 And it's always been problematic for the 'left' (speaking in general
 terms here) that they have it the other way around. Pro abortion but
 anti war and anti capital punishment. Hard to justify for many people,
 the 'killing' of a potential 'innocent' life and yet opposed to the
 killing of, say proven mass murderers and undoubtedly despotic dictators.
Colin wrote:
you are right. I hadn't thought of it that way around. I do think that a
fetus inside a woman is a different propostion. I also bleiev in mercy
killing. See, as I said in a previous post, i am a hypocrite. I am anti
killing. Yet pro killing too.

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