Suzanne, I hope your tongue was planted firmly in your
cheek when you posted about "Our Times." I know it's
easy to be frustrated, but I'm sure you didn't really
mean what you wrote. As for the world requiring high
I.Q.s to improve, I'd strongly recommend the book
"Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue" by Paul
Woodruff. You can read the first few pages online at - it gives the gist of his contention that
reverence (the ability to be in awe of everything
outside our power - outside the context of religion and
faith) is what's needed, and is lacking, in today's

We live in a world where there's an emphasis on
justice. ("Is justice just ice?") Paul Woodruff
contends (and I agree) that we need both justice AND
reverence. With the combination of the two, the answer
to any question about whether abortion, capital
punishment, even war is "right" leads to an answer of
"it depends." It depends on the circumstances. Is the
act one of reverence?

The book says all this much more eloquently that I can.
Even if you read only the first page online, I think
you'll find it thought provoking.

lots of love

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