--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

As for the world requiring high
> I.Q.s to improve, I'd strongly recommend the book
> "Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue" by Paul
> Woodruff. You can read the first few pages online at
> amazon.com - it gives the gist of his contention
> that
> reverence (the ability to be in awe of everything
> outside our power - outside the context of religion
> and
> faith) is what's needed, and is lacking, in today's
> world.
> We live in a world where there's an emphasis on
> justice. ("Is justice just ice?") Paul Woodruff
> contends (and I agree) that we need both justice AND
> reverence. With the combination of the two, the
> answer
> to any question about whether abortion, capital
> punishment, even war is "right" leads to an answer
> of
> "it depends." It depends on the circumstances. Is
> the
> act one of reverence?

Anne, this sounds like the book for me. The answer to
just about any question anyone ever asks me is
usually, "It depends" (even what am I going to wear
today? or what to have for dinner. This is an often
unfortunate trait I inherited from my Dad.) Which is
why I've been avoiding like the plague and deleting
without reading just about any e-mail with bugaboo
words like 'reproductive rights' (what's the point of
touching that one with a 20-foot pole? you are
absolutely NOT going to convince people about what's
right and what's wrong on this, so why try?),
'war', 'peace', 'Iraq', and you know there may be
more. I'm heading to Amazon to read a page or two,
then to my library site to put a hold on this one.

Thanks for the suggestion. Even tho' it wasn't aimed
at me, like any self-respecting black crow flying, I'm
always diving down to pick on something shiny.
(Doesn't that Joni Mitchell just drive you nuts?)

I also agree that that IQ alone doesn't guarantee any
improvement in the world order, new or old - there are
many high-IQ types in any level of government or
decision-making working on bigger, better bombs and
ways of killing the enemy, and not on feeding the
hungry masses or improving literacy or eliminating
poverty and disease or any number of what I'm sure
we'd all agree are evils.


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