Oh Talking Heads....David Byrne.......I so like his mind!!! I think "once in
a lifetime" would come to the desert island. Now I am sure this has been a
topic that rears its head all over the various lists but could any of us
choose 10 tracks a la "Desert Island Discs"  (BBC Radio 4 every friday at 9
am) that would be soooo unbelievably hard just to only have the 10.. but for
my luxury/fantasy item it would probably be the entire lineup from the '70
Isle of wight concert. Couldn't go and see it, too young but what a

and of course I would get to have Joni there

And that would be wonderful except that Blue and Court and Spark were still
in the making but I would have some great stuff anyway....

OK forget the choice of records....
Who would any of us invite to a dinner party... from all spheres of life and
from all eras of history with no problem about understanding their language
and all of them eating whatever you put in front of them? Smoking would be
entirely permitted... and no one would complain

Mine would be Joni, Degas, Rodin, TS Eliot, and WB Yeats, Katherine the
Great, Gary Larson, Garrison Keillor, Alan Rickman, Adolph Hitler and Mother
Teresa, Anna Akhmatova, Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf, Adrienne Rich,
Dylan Thomas, David Byrne, Nelson Mandela, Tennyson, Martin Luther King, J F
Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Marie Curie, Gallieleo, Caravaggio and finally,
Edward Hopper..........

That would do for a cross section for me.... some arts, some sciences and
some politics......They would each have to design a hat and wear it and
explain why they had made the hat they wore and what it meant to them. Who
would you all invite?

NP "If it doesn't come naturally leave it" Al Stewart.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Dulson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: Dancing and Architecture (NJC)

> Hi Lucy!
> >OH I have to disagree. the Thames Embankment makes me want to dance
> >when I see the skylline and some of the buildings... It is just such
> >a wonderful view. I can never resist the ureg to High kick when
> >going up and down broad sweeps of stairs either... or am I just mad?
> No, not at all!  I was just riffing on the statement (attributed
> to Elvis Costello, David Byrne and others) that "Writing about
> music is like dancing about architecture."
> I like the Thames Embankment too...I was walking on it in October. :)
> --
> ########################################################
> Steve Dulson        Costa Mesa CA       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "The Tinker's Own"                    http://www.tinkersown.com
> "The Living Tradition Concert Series" http://www.thelivingtradition.org/

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