I wrote:

>>No one is "pro-abortion."
>>Everyone is "pro-life."
>>The accurate terms are "pro-choice" and "anti-choice."

"kasey simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think it depends on what side of the fence you are on.
>The two sides are Right to Life, and Pro-Choice.  The
>RTL would say it's pro-life, or anti-life.  Being pro-choice
>would mean you are for (pro) abortion.

On the issue of actual abortion, most sentient beings are on the fence. 
That's why, regardless of whether or not one would choose an abortion, the 
crucial issue is choice. "Pro-choice does" *not* mean "pro-abortion" ... no 
one is "for abortion," it's a heart rending and difficult choice.

Case in point, Mario Cuomo, who says that because of his Catholic faith he 
himself would not choose abortion, but he does support a woman's right to 
choose for herself. And that's as it should be.

The anti-choice minority may claim to be "pro-life" (again, who, really is 
"against life"?) except that if a mother's life is in danger unless she has 
an abortion, they are not "pro-life" (the mother's) if they are anti-choice.


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