You read it Vince.  I said I think, not I believe.  I also
said RTL would say, not I say.  What is your problem?
I'm not on either side but you jump be for merely asking
questions.  The statement was to clarify for me why
one who is pro-choice isn't pro abortion.  It was intended
that way, but I can see you missed it. If you just merely
want to argue with me pick something I've at least made
a stand on, I'm sure we differ on enough subjects, but
this isn't one of them.

"kasey simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think it depends on what side of the fence you are on.
>The two sides are Right to Life, and Pro-Choice.  The
>RTL would say it's pro-life, or anti-life.  Being pro-choice
>would mean you are for (pro) abortion.Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN
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