Jerry Notaro wrote:

> Randy Remote wrote:
> > You will have to get it in the 'grey' market-as it has apparently not
> > been released anywhere but Singapore. You can find it on ebay
> > for about $25. It claims to be 5.1 surround, but I have my doubts
> > about that. Maybe they ran it through some kind of a simulator.
> > Anyone know?
> It is remastered from the original recording in 5.1 surround, which is
> typical. I find the result to be excellent.

I'm curious about this. Have you heard it in surround? If so,
how was the mixing handled? Did they pan the band members
around the room, or set it up more like a concert  with the
rear speakers adding ambience and audience? Or something
else? I'm wondering, because mixing to 5.1 is kind of a big
deal, ie expensive for the record label. Also, while the back cover of
the DVD does say "5.1 Surround" across the bottom, there is no
credit listed on the package for "surround remixing" , remastering,
or other new engineering, as one might expect there to be.
For that matter, is PWWAM truly 5.1, if so, how was the
mix handled? (one Amazon reviewer referred to the mix as
"The guitar dominated watery/echoey "mono" sounding surround
sound mix(no better in 2 channel stereo)", other reviewers
complained about the sound not being great.
I know for sure that "The Last Waltz" was remixed in true
surround, there was much fanfare in the audio magazines about it.
I guess my point is that it is much easier to do a "pseudo" surround
mix than a real one. I don't have a 5.1 system, so I haven't heard
any of them.

> And, of course, you can always
> choose to hear the original stereo. If you buy it on Ebay (which I did) make
> sure you are getting the DVD and not the CD-ROM video recording. There is a
> big difference in quality.
> Jerry
> NP: Shawn Colvin - Someone Like You

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