Jim, Ben Cartwright goes back almost to the beginnings of television. Who wasn't in love with little Joe? I'm old enough myself to remember them, and clearly. Ditto the first (and only in my view) Captain Kirk. Sorry if I made you feel aghast agewise -- I know the feeling only too well. I remember the original Fugitive too -- another early love of mine. That was the only program I was allowed to stay up late for. I spent years asking "why is this called the fugitive?" meaning "what does the word fugitive mean?" But my parents didn't know I didn't know what the word meant, so they just kept answering: "That's the name they gave it, dear". So I spent my formative pre-school years wondering why anyone would make up an interesting sounding, but meaningless, word for such a good program, when they could have called it something relevant. ;-)

Yes, I'm told it really is "keb-a-KWA".

Catherine, you were right about Andrea Martin - born in Portland, Oregon apparently, of Armenian descent. Another blow to Canada.

David Kronenberg is another one.


At 12:21 AM -0500 01/24/2003, Jim L'Hommedieu (Lama) wrote:
Thanks, Sara.  You've no idea how old I feel when you have to explain who
Loren Green and Bill Shatner are.  It's as if you think they were from
another century all together or some- ....... uh........  never mind.

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