> Jerry Notaro wrote:
> > Well, as the Jesuits always told us, there are no absolutes, except that
> there are no absolutes

Yeah, I always knew Jesuits were a clever bunch.
Reminds me of a professor I had in college who told the class on the last
day of the school year:
" Remember, I believe in moderation in everything including moderation".

On the topic of determinism: there has been several french movies which are
constructed on the idea that one insignificant decision could change the
entire course of future events.  So the movie shows you the 4-5 totally
different scenarios that could develop whether for instance the lead
character lights up a cigarette or not or puts on a red or a white dress.

Since it's widely known that President Mitterand and plenty more politicians
and public figures do, I am not ashamed to admit that I have been a regular
patron of astrologers, psychics, etc for about 20 years, but with moderation
of course.
I don't need to be convinced of the (ir)rationality of it.  Suffice it to
say that the many times they've been right have baffled me enough so I know
something is going on, whatever it is.
Anyway, my point  is this: knowing that something is going to happen doesn't
mean you don't have the free will to affect the future.
I can already see skeptics saying: " if you change the future and the event
does not happen, how do you know it would have happened if you hadn't?"
Well I don't in that case, except that when I didn't change my future in
other cases, the prediction often came true.  I'm really not trying to
convince anybody here.

So the conclusion is: we have free will otherwise we'd be actors in a movie
that has already been written (Matrix?).  From a religious standpoint, how
else could we "do good" and "improve ourselves" if we didn't have free will?
God's intent is certainly not to watch a movie where it's all
But then, if things are not pre-determined, how can psychics foretell?
Perhaps they foresee the most probable scenario, but then it's still up to
you to change it? Don't have the answer.


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