My favorite Joni look occurred in concert.  It was the first time I saw her in 
concert, at Red Rocks in Colorado.  Talk about a perfect place to see Joni!  

It was the Shadows and Light tour.  Jaco, Lyle, Pat, Don, Brecker, and of course Joni! 
 Wow, what a night.  I was in about the 10th row dead center.  I was already 
delirious, having waited to see Joni for years, and the Red Rocks surroundings just 
added to the magic.  

Finally, out she comes in this gorgeous, pale yellow chiffon-type dress.  The fabric 
on the dress was rather wispy, and it waved ever so beautifully in the breeze.  At one 
point during the show, she was back lit by the stage lighting, and as the light shone 
through her dress, it outlined her body perfectly.  Her hair was aglow from the light, 
her body rocking to the rhythms of the music, as that dress - that wonderful, magical 
dress - billowed all around her!  It was one of the sexyist things I've ever seen, and 
definitely my favorite Joni look.

Now you'll have to excuse me - I have to go take a cold shower.


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