i'm excited about this too; have been about the possibility for a long time.
i grew up in northern california, where in the early '70s they had a project
called 'running fence', a miles-long series of white curtains running from
the inland hills of sonoma county all the way to the sea.   as a budding
environmentalist, i was kind of against as all the debate and rancor went
on, but when i saw it, i was totally transformed.  the curtains expressed a
deep respect for my beloved nor cal hills, and made you see them anew.

this project has been through a lot of struggle to happen (though christo
and jeanne-claude have for years now said they consider the whole
pre-process to be part of the art work).  our park commissioner under
giuliani, the ignorant and racist henry stern, wouldn't know art if it bit
him on the ass.  he made a comment (i can't remember it exactly) about this
project that struck me as one of the most ignorant things i've heard.

our current mayor bloomberg, whose poll numbers are down but who i'm mostly
impressed with, certainly had something to do with moving this forward.
he's a huge fan of public art, having brokered deals that have gotten
museums lending large sculptures to public areas.  he also walks the walk as
a private citizen, being a strong patron.

i could wish it wasn't the first week in february.  if we are in the middle
of a cold snap like the one we've been in, visiting the installation will be
'no walk in the park'.


np - talk to her (soundtrack)

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