--- Lori Fye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Bree wrote:
> > The pregnant women crashed and was killed..the
> fetus did not make it
> > either.  The other woman was charged with not one,
> but TWO counts of
> > vehicular homicide.
> >
> > Mixed messages I would say?
> In a way, yes, because of the argument about whether
> a fetus is yet 
> a "life."  However, assuming the dead woman ("Woman
> A") was not on her 
> way to someplace to have an abortion, she wanted to
> give birth to that 
> child.  Therefore, the woman who caused the fatal
> accident ("Woman B") 
> took not only the mother's life, but the life the
> mother INTENDED to 
> bring into the world.  In addition, Woman B took
> away Woman A's CHOICE.

I think in a case like that, they go by how far along
the fetus is and whether it would be viable on its
own. I remember reading about a case like that here
and I don't remember the outcome, but the pregnant
woman who died, and whose unborn child was also
killed, was very close to giving birth - that is, if
she hadn't been killed but had gone into labour, the
child would have survived.


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