In a message dated 1/25/2003 11:12:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> It's at
> times brilliant, at others overblown, and at still
> others kind of "so what?". 

Hello, Mr. Rowe!!!!

Of course, you've been SORELY missed and mentioned frequently, particularly 
when the discussions turn to Joni's 80's output. ;~)

Your comments above pretty much sum up my thoughts on T'log (what most of us 
abbreviate to)...I played it this morning and most of it's fine, just not 
what I'm looking for. I also think she could have taken some more risks and 
made this project more challenging than it is. Enigmatic (your word) is a 
good one.

So are you still writing & recording? Any new projects in the works?


NP: War, "Get Down" (maybe my all-time favorite live recording, right up 
there with "Shadows & Light" & "Waiting For Columbus" & some others whose 
titles escape me at the moment)

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