I read somewhere or in class (mayb it was Kant) who said that if a God or "the" god does see all (including the future, past, etc) that Free Will can't be ruled out, that we as people have free will to do as we please, but God overall still knows the future and what will happen eventually, He just can't interrupt the path nor can he change it. Again, this may be a bit skewed and I am not a Philosopher, but it always intrigued me.
I thought it was funny if a bunch of people stopped believing in Free Will and all of the sudden just sat there waiting for signs or a motion from the Big "G" to embark on their next venture.


NP:"walk on By" Laura Nyro

Coliin, if god or anyone else knows about (can see) the future, it means the future is determined. If the future is determined, then we have no free will, only the illusion of it.

Following your example, if god has a vcr tape of my life, and he fast-forwards and sees me buying house number 1, it follows that the time I spent looking at house number 2 was time wasted, because all along it was "written" -- already determined -- that house number 1 was the house I would buy. Otherwise god could not have had a tape of me doing that.


From: colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just because 'God knows everything', would not do away with free will.
He can see ahead and therefore see what happens. Being able to see the
future does not indicate that He controls it.
(the above assumes that God exists and that He does know everything)

simply put, lets say God has a vcr tape of your life. he FF and sees
you buying a house. Just by FF the tape, does mean he made buy the house.

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