Personally, I love how brutally upfront you are being about it. Sex is so often thought of as a private affair. My parents are raised not to talk about sex, nor to talk to others, even close friends about it, they feel it makes a person look sleezy or like a tramp or that they hold no morals or respect. I don't know, sex is just sex, but there are the apropos times to discuss it and not. But, most of us know when. :)

NP: Poverty Train, "Laura Nyro"

to me it's pretty much like having a nose job or dying your hair. at odds
with your body features. you just go and do something about it. the woman
trapped in the body of a male is pretty simple stuff to me (ditto opposite
predicament). the lesbian trapped in the body of a male or the gay man
trapped in the body of a female are still hard for me to grasp as concepts,
though. but i'm working on it.
for instance, my younger sister is married to gay man. they haven't had sex
for ages. he cruises and does the gay thing and she goes with him and picks
up other young gay men and so forth. she has always dated gay men. so maybe
she is a gay man trapped in a female body in search of gay men. or her
husband is a trapped lesbian. or my sister is in love with me and this is
the closest thing to being married to me. i am not the only strange fruit in
my family as you see.
the times she had sex with women, though, were totally blah. she did it just
because there was a guy too and she wanted to do the "schoolgirls kissing
and playing" thingy for the guy. straight guys apparently get terribly
turned on when they see women having sex with each other. i know because i
rent a lot of straight porn.
i have had lovers that wanted me to act as if i were a woman while i was
screwing them, but they didn't want a transvestite. they wanted a big bear
of a guy to be their "little woman" and they wanted their little woman to
penetrate them. man, i should write my memoirs. a few days ago i came to the
conclusion that the only things i haven't done are kids, animals and
corpses. i'm not bragging or anything. why is it that for some of us sex is
just like fixing a salad and some other people would have a hemorrhage if i
told them about my sexual life? why is sex such taboo?
wallyK, sincerely asking


It is about a person being totally
at odds with the body they have. Their being one sex and their body
being the opposite sex. Must be an awful situation to be in. I doubt
veyr much that people go thru this because they desire sex!

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