Really a wonderful question Jim. And even more interesting is that she has
such a large gay AND lesbian following. That is pretty rare. We all know the
usual gay male icons. But they rarely attract a lesbian following. With
Joni, I would say it is her intelligence, her perseverance, her beauty, her
originality, her stunning talent. I guess that was what attracted EVERYONE
to her. I find, though, that Joni fans all over the world share these
interests in her more than they share any particular sexuality.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 4:27 PM
To: Joni List
Subject: Gays' interest in Joni

Hi JMDLers,

Please don't flame me for asking this. I'm not homophobic (I swear it!), and
I mean to create no controversy or ill will with anyone. I just have an
honest question and am genuinely interested in receiving an answer (on list,
please). As a bit of background, I've been subscribed to this list - off and
on - for about three years now, and have been an unwavering Joni fanatic
since 1968, when I bought "Clouds" (and then STAS, hot on its heels) as a
16-year old singer/guitarist, weaned on the British Invasion, Dylan, the
Byrds, etc.

When I first subscribed to the JMDL in 2000, upon getting my first computer,
I was taken aback by how many gay people are on the list, and by how central
gay issues are to the content of the list. This hasn't come up in my time
here, and I'd find it to be interesting "JC" to know why it is that Joni has
such a large gay following - or, even, a predominantly gay following, if one
is to judge by the demographics of those who post regularly to the JMDL.
Joni's lyrics and her lifestyle have always been exuberantly blatant in
their heterosexuality - celebratory, in fact. I guess that's why I'm
mystified. Other heterosexual songwriters of Joni's generation have made an
equally profound impact and are widely considered to be Joni's equals (of
those, I'd liken Paul Simon's artistry most to Joni's) - so it can't be just
her songs and her overall musicianship that have attracted such a large gay
following, can it? Those artists' discussion lists (Dylan, Van Morrison,
Neil Young, Paul Simon, etc.) don't have any "GC" (gay content). Does it,
therefore, have to do with the fact she is a woman? If so, why would that
be, especially given that she is such an in-your-face heterosexual?

Thanks! Kind replies only please. One reply will do if it sums things up for
everyone. :-)


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