Yes Chris, that makes perfect sense to me.

Joni's music seems to cover every type of emotion. Whatever sexuality; we
all laugh and cry, and feel!


"All these highs and lows"

From: "Chris Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Monday, Jan 27, 2003, at 21:27 Europe/London, Jim Leonard wrote:
> > I'd find it to be interesting "JC" to know why it is that Joni has
> > such a large gay following - or, even, a predominantly gay following,
> > if one
> > is to judge by the demographics of those who post regularly to the
> > JMDL.
> I have a theory about this one, which I've discussed with a few
> other JMDLers, and we've been broadly in agreement.
> I started listning to Joni with Hejira, DJRD and Hissing,
> followed by Court & Spark.  At the same time, I'd not long
> (as in a few years ago) figured out that I was gay, and was
> putting myself through the wringer by managing to fall in
> love with a straight friend of mine.  Except I didn't know
> that's what I was doing, but I was, regardless.
> Anyway, suffice to say, her music immediately appealed to
> me because of it's talk of love, and the fact that there
> were so many lyrics which resonated so strongly with my
> *feelings* at the time (and a few times since then, too).
> Fast forward a few years, and I know much more about who
> I am: I've spent an unhealthy amount of time navel-gazing,
> analyzing what's going on in my head, analyzing what I want
> out of life, analyzing my emotions, and so on. I've come to
> the conclusion that Joni appeals to a large amount of GLBT
> folk because many of these people have been through the
> same process, are going through it, or are aware that they
> should, and end up empathising so strongly with her lyrics.
> Anyone with me on this one? :)
> --Chris Marshall
> (AIM: Chr15Marshall)
> "If you're ever lost, I'll beat the world to finding you"
>      Stryngs, "Bobblehats and Beer",

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