Apologies for quoting quite a bit here, and I hope this is still
considered "JC" (if not, ack, I'm in trouble :)

Lieve said:
I hope I am right in thinking this post has enough Joni content, I first put
NJC on top but then took it out - do tell me if you think I'm wrong!

Chris Marshall wrote: I've spent an unhealthy amount of time navel-gazing,
analyzing what's going on in my head, analyzing what I want out of life,
analyzing my emotions, and so on. I've come to the conclusion that Joni
appeals to a large amount of GLBT folk because many of these people have
been through the same process, are going through it, or are aware that they
should, and end up empathising so strongly with her lyrics. Anyone with me
on this one? :) - --Chris Marshall

My reply: yes Chris, I'm very much with you on that one. At least in this
way: I think we are all pretty introspective and emotionally intelligent on
this list, and that is one of the things that keeps us together.
Lieve hit the nail on the head in a way I'd meant to, but failed
to get across... I also think that we are *all* pretty emotionally
tuned-in here, even if that doesn't mean emotionally sorted. The
extra part of my theory is that a greater *proportion* of gay people
are tuned in to their emotions than straight people, hence the
apparent gay vs. straight imbalance on this list.

There, that's what I meant to say first time around...

--Chris Marshall

chrisAThatstand.org (AIM: Chr15Marshall)

"If you're ever lost, I'll beat the world to finding you"
    Stryngs, "Bobblehats and Beer", http://www.stryngs.com/

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