So, the question Jimbo asks is why should Gays be interested in Joni
when she's so up front heterosexual?

And I think to myself? Good question, yes. What could possibly be in it
for me to listen to this blatantly heterosexual woman? Why should I
follow the adventures of Capt. Picard, who is so blatantly heterosexual?
How can I relate to a movie where Aliens have come to distroy the earth
and the lead characters are off chasing skirt ? -Is this really what
would be on the mind of someone faced with the end of the world??? Or I
turn on a ballgame or tennis match and the tv crew is panning up to
adoring wives and girlfriends unabashed in shoving his heterosexuality
in my face. What do I care who Brad Johnson is shlepping? I just want to
watch the game. From GunSmoke and the Lucy Show to the Simpsons and
Allie McBeal, no matter what channel I turn to, no matter what hour of
the day, it's all the same: Night in, night out, movie after movie, tv
show upon tv show, radio song after radio song.
-Quoting the character from Parting Glances, "Why are heterosexuals so
narcissitic that 99% of everything you see has to be about them.?"

And somehow I find a way through it all to find there's much I can
relate to. And if Jimbo were as magnanimous as he says he is, I'd like
him to wander over to the gay section of his local Borders and try the
same. He might find the human experience of others are much like his own
and there is richness he can absorb an learn from. If I can relate to
Joni, I bet he can relate to Edmund White if he wanted to.

I would even try and resist being "taken aback" that he was standing

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