Oneof my fondest memories is of attending a reception after CSN did a show at the 
FIllmore in SF.
All three were available at the reception and had a few words for each person.
I was standing by he essert buffet taqble, contemplating the extra calories, when a 
voice behind me suggested the "Turtle brownies", saying they were the best on the 
I turned to see that it was Crosby and spent the next few minutes extoling the virtues 
of chocolate.
On the other hand, I still have a vivid memory of Neil Young (from about 1967) 
stciking his head out of the car window and yelling at the people in the lot to "get 
the F... out of my way."
I fear that my view of Neil as a person was unduly influenced by this encounter.
I have spoken with Crosby since , in passing, and found him to be personable, bright 
and sweet.
I am looking forward to a show in March with CSN... at my local
venue Konocti and will report all encounters.

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