>> I sometimes wonder if a better solution would be to explicitly mark
>> Joni content posts with JC.  That way, joni-onlies would never get
>> NJC content *unless* a thread gets taken off-topic.

> This sounds like the most logical solution to the whole thing.

It would be, except for two things:

1) This is first and foremost the Joni Mitchell Discussion List, and 
(imo) people who wish to read just JC shouldn't be burdened with having 
to indicate that.  The burden (as it were) has been correctly placed on 
the rest of us.

2)  After so many years, most of us have been "trained" to add the NJC 
tag and it's *almost* become automatic.  (In fact, if you really look 
at the latest spate of non-tagged posts, they've probably come mostly 
from new subscribers who aren't yet accustomed to using the tag system.)

If the filter was changed to recognize a "JC" tag and segregate those 
posts to Joni-only, but folks continued to use the "NJC" tag, the 
filter would segregate THOSE posts to Joni-only too.  Of course the 
filter could be set to "space"JC"space" but that's really just making a 
lot more work for everyone, especially dear, patient Les.

AND ... hasn't quite a bit of the griping of late come from folks who 
normally want to receive all posts but are irritated by the volume of 
political posts?  (I'll admit, I'm guilty for being a big instigator 
and contributor.)  "Nothing can be done" about that unless the rules 
change and we're no longer allowed to write about anything but Joni and 
perhaps other music-related stuff.

If that happened (and I'm not saying it ever would, because Les has 
always been a blue ribbon [free speech] kind of guy - in fact I can 
remember a time when the JMDL home page sported the blue ribbon*), I'd 
bet a few bucks that we'd see a fair number of folks unsubscribe.  I 
don't know that I'd be one - I doubt it - but my thought is that 
there's only so much that can be discussed about Joni on any given 
day.  (Shit, our significant others, friends, and coworkers think we're 
obsessed about her as it is!!)

One more time ... let's sing this one together:

"Everything comes and goes ..."


* for more info on the Blue Ribbon Campaign, see http://www.eff.org/br

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