Does Joni actually have a preponderance of gay fans?

Who the hell knows?

Does Joni have more gay fans than CSN&Y, or Britney Spears, or N'Sync, or Jay-Z or Bryn Terfel or Etta James or B2K or Metallica?

I have no clue.

There has been no statistical sampling or research that I have seen.

Has the overall fan base of Joni's fans been compared to what the research tells us about the population of fans who are on an internet discussion list? Or an internet discussion list devoted to music?

Do we even know what the actual percentage of the world's population is that is gay/lesbian?

Have we compared the demographics of Joni's fans versus education, income, or other variables? And since the population of internet users is probably skewered as apart from the total population because internet access does depend on income, is it possible that the percentage of internet users is higher than than the % of gays/lesbians in the total population? Do g/l people use the internet even more disproportionately because it is a vehicle for hooking up for a community that is dispersed, closeted, or remote?

There are many many variables that have not been examined. I look at the population that I have seen at three Joni concerts and there was nothing specifically extraordinarily gay/lesbian about that audience (that I could discern by anecdote without statistical sampling) nor have I ever once heard a Joni song played in a gay or lesbian bar.

So this discussion has been based on a most non verified assumption.

I have no clue whether Joni's fan base is disproportionately gay/lesbian as opposed to the general population as a whole. Not to say that the discussion wasn't interesting but all anyone offers as to the truth of the proposition is how it seems to them by encountering people in here, and that does not make a valid foundation for conjecture.

I know that I am being an asshole. But I am.


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