In a message dated 29/01/2003 00:43:49 GMT Standard Time, 

<<  Have we compared the demographics of Joni's fans versus education, 
income, or other variables?  And since the population of internet users 
is probably skewered as apart from the total population because internet 
access does depend on income, is it possible that the percentage of 
internet users is higher than than the % of gays/lesbians in the total 
population? Do g/l people use the internet even more disproportionately 
because it is a vehicle for hooking up for a community that is 
dispersed, closeted, or remote?  >>

Just another thought on this: my understanding is that the majority of list 
subscribers are lurkers - I wonder if the proportion of gay people amongst 
those who post to the list is reflected in the list as a whole; and what 
would it mean if it wasn't?  Does an element of outspokenness come into the 
equation too?

By the way, I've never understood the pervasiveness of the slightly unwieldy 
term "lesbians and gay men" (or vice versa) - surely "gay people" would cover 
it, as I didn't think the word gay was gender specific.

Azeem in London

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