Hell Wrote:

Why I don't like tuna.... NJC

I don't like tuna - in fact I hate tuna. The slightest smell makes me
physically ill, and a decent whiff will have me retching uncontrollably. I was brought up to like tuna, and the rest of my family like tuna, so it can't be environment OR genes? Maybe it's completely inexplicable, and there's no
reason "why" - it just is?

To me the argument about why someone is gay makes about as much sense >as what I've just written above. Does there have to be a reason? And >why is everyone so determined to FIND a reason? I'm content knowing I >AM, without knowing why,

and I agree with Bryan, who said "if you're
looking for a cause, then you're looking for a cure."

If you looked at individual backgrounds, you'd find as much variation >as in any group of heterosexuals, which would negate the heredity vs. >environment argument, anyway, in both cases.

Now me:
I knew I was a lesbian at age 13 and I came out to most everybody when I was 19 years old. . .

(although, as many know, coming out is a continual process. . . ie. you're always meeting new people who don't know etc.).

But yes, I have often thought of it the way Hell descibed it. . . . like a fairly simple preference. . . I like to use an ice cream analogy, and I have since I was a teenager:

Why do you like chocolate ice cream?

Why vanilla?

Who knows, (who cares). . . Some prefer pistachio.

That's it.

And yes, I guess I missed Bryan's comments the first time around. .
"if you are looking for a cause, you are looking for a cure."

I like that too.


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