Hang on a minute. It's easy to forget to put NJC in the subject line, especially if you're new to the list. It isn't easy to forget to delete a post you want to delete.

I still don't see that this is a big deal. Really, please count up the number of seconds in a week that you spend deleting NJC posts.

And if some people think that a discussion of Joni Mitchell is a "joni content" post, and they want to keep it going, that's up to them surely? No-one other than the list owner should try to dictate what other people want to talk about.

And why didn't your post have NJC on it?

Come on, loosen up about this please. We're trying to get it right.


From: "blonde in the bleachers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"ooooh it is easy to delete it" It is just as easy to put NJC in the
subject line.

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