>From the war in Iraq, to bug chasers, Nature versus nurture, free will or
determinism to wonderful personal revelations about feelings about Joni's
music, musings on food and now DOG NAMES....

Ah COCO for a Jack Russel...... obviously its to do with either Madame
Chanel or maybe COCO the Clown or maybe the dog is called
COCOLOCKALEEKIECUCURACCAZING, but Joni has a previuosly undocumented stammer
and can only get the first syllable out  and so the dog is known as COCO out
of a misguided politeness... Who k nows what creative rage has been prompted
by this ...... she is a very moody and interpretive painter (very Van
Gogh........ do explain how this name is pronounced world wide... are we VAN
GO... Van GOCH, VAN GOFF or what?... Van What is not the answer ;-)) and VAn
G was moved by uncertain rage..........

MY DOG is called Dan...His real name is something complicated and very
Pedigree but I got him from the Rescue society for Labradors who showed me
his registration at the Kennel Club but covered over his name....and his
usual name was SAM when he arrived here... 9 months old and the result of a
divorce!!! Now this presented problems as my son is called SAM. We could
have gone for the "two for the price of one call back" but I felt this was
unfair on my son so we wanted a name that sounded like SAM but was not...
RESULT=DAN.... HOWEVER...... I call the dog and my son asks "are you calling
me?" and I call Sam and the dog comes......SO he gets referred to as D the
D, or DEEFER as in D for Dog....He will also answer to "anyone for a
coffee?" "who has not put the phone back on the hook" and also "Breakfast"
or "lunch" or "Dinner". I have the feeling his own name for himself may be
the sound that is made by slicing through a big cabbage as I only have to
crunch through one with a large French cooks knife and he comes
running...... I should be happy to receive the correct way of spelling this
noise so that I can call it out......I have managed
SSSSCCCCHHHHHCRRREEEEAAACCHHHHH. but it does not sound right when
said.......answers on a post card...

Oh dear I really do need to get myself out more!!!

Good day to you all from me, who is waiting for the break maker to deliver
its first loaf, and we got the yeast wrong!!!! I will let you know


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