--- Lucy Hone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> RESULT=DAN.... HOWEVER...... I call the dog and my
> son asks "are you calling
> me?" and I call Sam and the dog comes......SO he
> gets referred to as D the
> D, or DEEFER as in D for Dog....He will also answer
> to "anyone for a
> coffee?" "who has not put the phone back on the
> hook" and also "Breakfast"
> or "lunch" or "Dinner". I have the feeling his own
> name for himself may be
> the sound that is made by slicing through a big
> cabbage as I only have to
> crunch through one with a large French cooks knife
> and he comes
> running...... 

It's a lot of fun experimenting with what dogs will
respond to. Like calling them by something that rhymes
with their real name. Or calling them something that
has the tones and vowels of their name, but none of
the consonants. For example, I would call my dog
(Lizbit) i-i (short i's) and see if she responds.
Normally she will. On the other hand, this dog also
responds if you happen to be calling one of the cats
(the cats respond only to the sound of cans being
opened, which is odd, since I don't feed any of the
pets canned food, but I believe that cats are born
with can-opener-sound=food preprogrammed into their
tiny brains.)

We used to have a dog when I was a kid. His name was
Ziggy. You could ask him if he wanted to go for a
walk, or you could spell w-a-l-k, or just ask him if
her wanted to gofera and he'd go nuts. Or you'd just
make vowel sounds in the sound/shape of, "Do you want
to go for a walk?" and he'd react the same.


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