Maybe I should calling you the Blush-Master since you
make me blush so easily! You're very charming, my
dear. "The luckiest guy in the world -" thump, thump
goes my heart. Forget pitter-patter!

Gosh, we're really flirting aren't we. Ah hell, I'm
not complaining! (Stop analyzing, Andrew. Go with the

Anyhow, you're really sweet, Kurt. Like, REALLY sweet!
I must say I'm a bit smitten...


The canal you are referring to is the Rideau Canal. It
was created in the early 1800s as a trade route. It
connects to the Ottawa River, which connects to the
St. Lawrence. The university is the University of

The canal is quite famous because in the winter it
becomes the world's longest skating rink. Right now we
are having Winterlude, a winter festival that lasts
two weeks in the capital with a whole roster of
wonderful activities for our fair citizens. It's lots
of fun. You should come up some winter and we can
frolick in the snow! The cold doesn't seem so bad when
there are several hundred-thousand coloured lights on
the trees, ice sculptures along the sidewalks and a
three mile skating rink! Consider this an official

Those lyrics were lovely. I'll have to investigate
some more male singer/songwriters. Some of them are
very good. I have Peter Gabriel, Neil Young, Seal;
Leonard Cohen is my favourite. But I should broaden my
scope, to be sure. 

So, do you want to write snail mail? I love getting
letters and postcards. It might be a fun way to cure
the consistently-looming winter blues and blahs.
Besides, I have a "little something" I'd like to send
you. It's Joni related, so that should intrigue you
enough to give me your address!! (I'm SO devious -
heh, heh!)

Mine is as follows:

2001 Carling Ave.
Apt. 1907
Ottawa, Ont.
K2A 3W5

Well, Kurt, my warm blanket of a Valentine, I bid you
a very good night full of comfy "peace" pillows and
thoughts of me, of course!

You're wonderful.

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