> From: "mia ortlieb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It almost seems like there is an unspoken rule between some men that one is
> not supposed to like Joni, even if one knows nothing of her.

There's an attitude, reminds me of comments about "chick movies." As if Joni
is a "chick singer." Once people have made this pre-judgment, they are not
open anymore. They have already made up their minds.

And there is definitely an attitude some people have, as if they know what
Joni's music is all about and it's not for them -- when the only clue they
have is from something they heard on the radio 20 years ago.

She is so much more than just that, and I admit to feeling sorry for people
who are not open to the beauty and depth of her music because of this

> that that particular line - "he sends you a poem and she's lost to you" is
> just plain sloppy.
> no sacrilege!  she's a great songwriter.  but she ain't no willy the shake,
> except maybe in her own mind.

Couldn't disagree more. Where Joni puts her words makes meaningful sense to
me, even if it isn't textbook perfect.

"We look like our mothers did
when we were 
those kids'

Someone commented once that "now" should've been at the beginning of this
sentence instead of where Joni put it.
But it's so PERFECT where it is, when she sings it! It gives a double punch,
it juxtaposes time, it demonstrates that weird sense of existing in two
times at once (which I feel more and more often as I get older -- as if time
is going so fast that 20 years are compressed into 2 years).
Joni's poems are not meant to be read, they are meant to be sung. Reading
them without the music, without her unique phrasing, is not nearly as

> From: "michael o'malley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> originally scheduled for February 25 (Part 1) on CBC Life and Times has been
> pushed back one week to March 4, with the sequel ( Part 2) scheduled to air on
> March 11.

Thanks for keeping us informed. This is one show I won't be missing.

> From: Little Bird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> oh my god. oh my god. I'm dying of embarrassment.
> PLEEEEEEZE forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.
> Oh my god. I'm off to die in a little corner now, all
> red and overheated.

Oh hell. At least there was Joni content of a sort and it was an HONEST
mistake. That, we can live with.
You go, boy!

I am almost through O'Brien's Joni book, really enjoying it. Somebody should
have told O'Brien, though, that Bambi was a BOY deer. Sheesh. I thought
EVERYBODY knew that!


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