Rather that actually WATCHING paint dry, I'm getting
caught up on digests.

FOOD: I HATE corned beef hash!!!! But I've taken to
eating an orange a day lately...

FRED: Fred Simon's CD is not to be missed. If you don't
have it, get it.

NABOR-LY: Colin, really, you're SO much better off not
knowing. sur-priiiise, sur-priiiise, sur-priiiise!
(trust me, everyone on this side of the pond is now
groaning and wishing I didn't do that :-)

LES: You're so funny! You should post more often. You
could maybe even give Smurph a run for his money! (And
we love you Smurph for you humor and everything else...)

RUDE JOKE: I'm going to regret this. OK, go ahead and
send it to me, Colin.

And welcome to the new JMDLers. Plus, Lucy, I'm so glad
you've jumped right in and started posting often.
Really enjoying hearing from you, although I can't say
I share your culinary tastes :-)

lots of love

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